
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Save the World...With your bag?

So if you haven’t noticed lately, everyone is going green! And every major brand is following along. Victoria Secret, American eagle, Juicy Couture and Marc Jacobs have created Earth awareness Tote bags. Promoting recycling, helping animals, and many other earth savvy events to save our earth. So is this a healthy trend or a bandwagon ride to the clearance bin at Macy’s? Like all popular things, the trend becomes overdone and meaningless after a while (ex: leggings, ruffled minis, Retro prints.) So are we really trying to help our earth or are we just buying into to our media again? Well to tell you the truth, I’m really getting sick of seeing Granola-ie tees plastered to everyone’s chest, not everyone can be Al Gore people. But I guess any press is good press, so we can all be hippies for a season or two and save babies whales with our canvas tote bags.

Monday, April 21, 2008


I woke up this morning (while struggling to finish my homework) to the lovely silence of snow. Its April! How is one supposed to show off their cute new gladiator sandals when its 32 degrees outside? I swear my town is mother nature's personal snow globe. Just when you'd like to think things are settling down she gets bored and shakes us around! I mean honestly, you spend all this time shopping for new spring fashions and you never get to wear them until summer. Seriously? Fortunately, for me I've learned to live with it.

Instead of just settling for the old, boring cute t-shirt and jeans I've decided to mix and match the past seasons with spring. Those of the fashion world of today know that this spring is all about bright colors. Why not wear some brightly colored tights with a skirt and blouse? It may sound unoriginal, but trust me color is always an essential to making a basic outfit look way better than it actually is. If you're more of a jeans and a t-shirt kinda girl try adding a scarf or pins or both to your outfit. I prefer a more simple look where as Lola has a million things going on. However, even Lola knows that at a certain point enough is enough. If you want to try for lots of different patterns going on at once remember to add in a solid or two to balance it out. Also for the sake of every ones sanity avoid wearing winter boots with a micro mini skirt. Seriously that look is so passe.

Holla to those who are actually enjoying spring.

Holla to those, like me, who are still getting frostbite.

Seriously, I hate snow.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

SATC takes over BBS

So I’m super excited for Sex and the City the Movie, which comes out May 30. And to help with all the crazy publicity Bag Borrow or Steal has created their own little Sex and The City selection from the movie. You can take their “Sex and the City Purse-onality Quiz” and find out which sexy girl you are. I personally love love love this site, it’s like a huge closet of designer handbags or jewelry that you can rent for any occasion. Prices start from under $40 to $400, you can rent for a week or up to a month, or if you really like what you borrowed you can buy it! This is a great way to prepare yourself for the movie coming out next month.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Jean Jackets; Yes or no?

I found myself pondering this subject today, they seem to never be in style but also never be out either. The Thought of a jacket made out of denim seems odd to me, seeing that we mostly wear denim on our lower halves (ex: Jeans, Pencil and mini skirts, and sometimes horrible floor length dresses with white Keds.) But I’ve been seeing them all over the place lately, like in Sarah Jessica Parker’s new line Bitten for Steve and Barry’s. The jacket is a light faded wash with classic buttons and only holds the price of $8.98. Now I can never say anything bad about my idol Sarah Jessica, but I’m not too sure if I like this or not. It seems a bit boring. And really? What will you wear it with? Jeans? Oh please no! Never mix denims, or go matchie-matchie either. Still, this look can be classic, if done well, which is very Rare. So how should you pull this off? I say go classic all the way, take some tips from J crew and release the Charlotte in you.
