
Thursday, May 8, 2008

The New Converse

Everyone is seeing green these days and its definitely not St. Patrick's day. To compliment yet another style change in the history of fashion with "save the pandas" emblazoned across their chest, people are also wearing Birkenstocks. After seeing them slowly infect everyone at school, I began to wonder what the big deal was? Seriously? In the past the only people bought them were the people who just wanted to have comfortable sandals. They didn't really bother with what the fashion critics thought. However, it is becoming abundantly clear that the only reason for buying Birkenstocks is because they play into the "hippie" style. In fact I'd have to say that the Birkenstocks are one of the essential parts of the granola look. If you have the shoes you have it all. The animal t-shirt, the messy hair, the bandanna. Once its starts you can't stop it. I myself have succumbed to it, but strictly for blog worthy material (I figure before you judge a style you have to experience it first). I have concluded the same way I started. Birkenstocks themselves are ugly. However, if you wear the right kind with the right length of pants you can look something resembling cute.
Then again if you are truly buying into the hippie look you wouldn't care what society has to say anyway.